To observe Think Reading good use of mother tongue
1) Observing: To write a good and beautiful article and speak effectively, first of all, write my essay for me it is necessary to be a good observer. Observation; Seeing, not looking, means seeing all the animate and inanimate elements of nature in detail. Observation; teaches to see correctly, to recognize correctly. To understand something well, it is called "Observation" to review all kinds of symptoms that appear on their own. Observation is made to understand or describe what we see. Although most people say they are good observers, they cannot write well or speak effectively. If self-criticism is made, it will be seen that people; He does not have detailed information about his family, environment, school, and his closest friends. However, in-depth observations made beforehand will facilitate harmony with the environment and people and accelerate communication. A beggar begging in the streets, in the queues of the minibusses; How can a person who does not observe the social relations and moods of poor people who are ashamed of begging, write and speak on the subject of "poverty"? So, on whatever subject we want to write or give a speech; We must have prior observations on that subject. Based on these considerations; You, too, must make observations with your family, environment, teachers, friends to communicate easily and be successful. 2) Thinking (thinking = contemplation): One of the necessary features to write well and to speak effectively is "thinking". Thinking is the basis of writing. A work or piece that we read creates many thoughts in our minds. 

All the animate and inanimate elements that we see in our outer world enliven some thoughts and dreams in our minds. The connections of all concrete and abstract concepts that are seen, heard, read, examined enter into thought. We must present our thoughts in a clear, engaging, lively way. Thinking is achieved by introspection. Observation; to see outside, to think means to examine and see inside. (E. KANTEMÄ°R, Written and Oral Expression, p. 130) Naturally, all humans have thoughts. But there is a difference from thought to thought. A solid link must be established between the idea and the plan. Man, due to the environment in which he lived; person, environment, society, subject, event, etc. has to think in a healthy and planned manner in concepts or activities. Disorganization and unplanned thoughts disrupt people's connection with the environment and events and prevent their harmony. In this case, pay for essay an unhappy and unsuccessful personality emerges. How can a person who cannot think clearly and make a plan in his thoughts write well and beautifully? How to give an effective speech? So, before we write about a topic or event, we must think before we speak. We should also make a plan about our feelings and thoughts that we will write or talk about. 3) Reading: A person who can say "I am an intellectual"; must read at least one newspaper a day, a magazine once a week, and a book once a month. A person who regularly reads one book a month reads six hundred books in fifty years. What is the importance of six hundred books among the millions of books written from the beginning of human history to the present day? The difference between those who regularly read all kinds of books and those who have never bought a book in their life; is like the difference between the color white and the color black. One is science and light, the other is ignorance and darkness. First of all, the vocabulary of a person who does not read does not develop. In this case, which feelings and thoughts should be expressed effectively with a limited number of words? We can better understand the thoughts of writers, poets, and artists. Because their vocabulary is huge. Because they are people who care about reading and understand that reading is an advantage for people. 

The only way to be a knowledgeable and conscious intellectual is to read a lot. Naturally, it should not be forgotten that one of the important secrets of success in the written and oral composition is regular reading. 4) Good Use of Native Language: It is a fact that most people today speak and agree with four to five hundred words. Most of the intellectuals, on the other hand, can write an average of three thousand to five thousand words. This is seen as an important social defect in using the mother tongue well. Because the intellectuals, who are the guide and manager of the society, have to make at least fifteen thousand - twenty thousand words effective. In the light of these facts; It is necessary to know the mother tongue well to write and speak effectively and beautifully. This necessitates knowledge of grammar rules and expression disorders. A person who values ​​observation thinks in a planned way, reads well, premium essay and uses his mother tongue well; possesses a superior expressive ability. These four important features are closely related to each other. The absence of one leads to the absence of the others. Therefore, all four characteristics should be given equal importance.

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