To successfully defend yourself, you need not only to write a Ph.D. thesis but also to prepare a speech that would be able to present you and your work successfully. Often this is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Therefore, today we will talk about this in a little more detail.

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To successfully defend yourself, you need not only to write a Ph.D. thesis but also to prepare a speech that would be able to present you and your work profitably. Often this is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. 

Structure of speech

Usually speaking in defense is done in free form, but at the same time, compiling a speech to defend a candidate has mandatory elements that should be included in it. It is also worth remembering that a speech to the commission should not exactly duplicate the study itself.

Speaking in more detail about the structure of protective speech, it is worth mentioning that it can be conditionally divided into three equal blocks:

  • introduction;

  • main part;

  • conclusion.

In the first part of the speech, the author must tell how relevant is his research topic and also confirm this. Also, it is immediately worth indicating the subject and object of study. In the water part, a brief methodology is often described, that is, it indicates which scientific research methods were used when working with this study. As a result, the applicant for the degree of candidate of sciences can read out the provisions to be defended, and also reveal their scientific novelty. In the second part, the applicant should talk about the results that his theoretical and practical developments ultimately led to. Also, he should give an analysis of them and, thus, confirm the provisions that were submitted for defense. It is important, after a short story about each chapter of the main part of the work, to draw intermediate conclusions.

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The last part of the speech is usually based on the research results themselves, which should be important for science and the state as a whole. If the development of the applicant for this academic degree has already been introduced into production, then it will also be advisable for him to tell about this fact. Also, do not hide information about patents and publications in well-known authoritarian scientific publications. Since such facts can only be beneficial to you.

Composing a speech for the defense 

The applicant needs not only to compose a speech but also to report it while trying to comply with the timing of the speech itself and the speech standards accepted. It will also be quite out of place to prepare a good presentation, which will be able to set off and illustrate your speech well. In preparing the presentation, you can use thesis notes, which can briefly reflect the essence of the most important points. Defending your scientific research, you should speak slowly, calmly and at the same time accurately formulating your thoughts. Try not to speak too hastily, and also do not swallow endings and do not repeat the same words several times. Remember that your report should, in any case, remain scientific, so try to state your thoughts in such a way that all your colleagues can understand it, even if they are not as knowledgeable in the subject of your research as you. But at the same time, do not simplify anything on purpose, as your speech should remain natural.

Speech Writing Rules: Oratory

Writing speeches is a time-consuming process of collecting, analyzing and processing relevant information on a topic, involving the creation of detailed abstracts for speakers to address the public. Public statements by political and cultural figures always take place in any society. The objectives of such speeches may be different, but the essence always remains unchanged: all that a speaker wants is to capture the attention of the public and, having touched her for the “live”, lead him in the direction he needs. This can be achieved with the help of competently built speech, which must be well thought out and written in advance. It is best to entrust the writing of a speech abstract to a professional specialist, providing him with all the necessary materials for work. Writing a speech for a public speech will require the author of innate literary talent for a harmonious presentation of thoughts on paper, a broad outlook, vivid imaginative thinking and a pronounced ability to convince. Finding a copywriter that has all these qualities at the same time will be quite difficult. It is important to take this issue seriously and keep in mind that creating a synopsis of speech is the same oratory as the speech itself. To be a good speaker is to be able to speak about everything with inspiration and sincereness, influencing not only the mind but also the feeling of the audience. Therefore, if you want the audience to applaud you while standing, do not be too lazy to learn the basic rules of writing a speech. The first of them says that pre-prepared speech for public speaking should have a clear structure, which implies the presence of “introduction”, “main body” and “conclusion” at least.

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Ideally, it should be similar to a spiral model with a gradually tapering ring, which demonstrates a transition from general principles and theories to conclusions and with periodic repetition of main thoughts and ideas at each “turn”. This approach allows the speech of the speaker to be hypnotic. Also, in the beginning, it is necessary to identify the main problem and outline possible solutions to it, involving the listeners in the process of active interaction with the speaker through rhetorical questions, emotionally-charged statements, and calls to action. The use of all these techniques will be most effective if you can predict and take into account the number, gender, age and mood of the audience.


In the conclusion of the article, I would like to say that the text for speaking in public should be based on the ability to present oneself. You should try to arouse the interest of your listeners, but at the same time try not to bother them. It will also be far out of place to preliminarily show your finished speech to the supervisor. Perhaps he can give you some practical advice on what needs to be corrected and where. It is also worth remembering the rules of decency, so you should greet the commission, as well as thank it for listening to you and saying goodbye.

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