Four success factors in exam preparation:

Successful exam preparation consists not only of viewing the learning material.

Because exam quality, exam form, timing, and good intuition are also essential. You can find the 4 success factors at a glance in the following graphic:

Exam preparation - your exam success depends on these four factors.


Solid subject knowledge is at the core of every exam. However, depending on the form of the test, it must be expressed and applied differently ("packaging").

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 Success factor 1: exam content/specialist knowledge

Of course, you have to be familiar with the particular topics, understand photosynthesis, be able to derive them, recite paragraphs correctly, or know the core statements of the great philosophers. But people who learn too thoroughly on exams are disappointed - because they give 120 percent and memorize the famous ZDF (figures, data, facts).

Then they will be surprised when applications, examples, and interpretations are asked. And that is almost always the case!

It makes a big difference whether the information is stored loosely next to each other – like in a database – or whether it is related.

120 individual colors are of no use to a painter – only a skillful composition on the canvas is impressive. Also underlines a concept from the sociology of knowledge, which distinguishes between data, information, and knowledge:

Data. Facts, statistics, numbers, words, technical terms, and names are the basics of learning - but they are meaningless on their own. The word "metoprolol" doesn't tell us anything at first. The context is missing. Data is worthless without reference.

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Information. "Take the drug "metoprolol" 3 times a day, whole after meals if you have high blood pressure." Now the word "metoprolol" is embedded in a context of meaning. We know it's medicine and how to use it. Information is, therefore, data with a meaning or specific practical use.

Knowledge. As a rule, the doctor who prescribes metoprolol knows enough about the drug. He has to evaluate our clinical picture, know about interactions with other medications and choose the correct form of treatment and dosage. It integrates various pieces of information related to a specific case.


Exam preparation, graphic data information knowledge


These three levels of knowledge are like a ladder:

When learning, we work our way up the individual levels.

First, we have single words or facts to turn into information. For example, there is a lot of data on PowerPoint slides that only becomes information when it is placed in a context.

Our brain can only remember things if it can classify them. Requires a connection to previous knowledge and a practical reference.

Exam preparation, knowledge leader

In the second step, the information must be flexibly adapted to new situations and tasks. Only then do we "know" something. The nice thing about it is: Once we have developed a dense network of knowledge, we can derive information from it: If you know something, you don't have to worry about forgetting it because you have understood the logic and system.

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The advantage is evident in stressful situations such as exams because a dense knowledge network is much more robust than individual facts. Even if the questions change, you can respond flexibly. So even if you "only" have to memorize facts, it pays to understand their context and meaning.

Watch out, trap! Data seems more objective and handy. It is difficult to break away from them: You read the words and sentences (data) and do not look for the content and statements (information) behind them.

It seems more convenient to accept the subject matter as it is: you don't have to expend much energy, don't think ahead, don't find your point of view. As a result, facts are over-learned at the expense of the other two stages.

Facts are over-learned - at the expense of proper understanding!

Conclusion: Focus on context and understanding. Many details are automatically derived from this!

Success factor 2: The packaging/ skills/ type of examination


Exam preparation for written exams

An exam measures expertise and how well you can apply and package it for a specific includes:

how well you can work under time pressure (resilience),

how well you can apply your knowledge to a question (related to the topic),

how well you can structure your thoughts (logic/reasoning skills),

how well you can express your thoughts clearly, precisely, and forcefully (communication skills),

whether you recognized the global picture (overview),

whether you can focus on essential factors/content

your ability to prioritize

own ideas, examples, and your opinion

Creativity, practical transfer, and judgment.


Exam preparation for oral exams

You may have a brilliant memory. Unfortunately, that won't do you much good if you can't formulate the connections accurately in the exam. Also applies to oral exams. They not only measure knowledge but also:

how well you can argue and present yourself,

how well you keep an eye on the essentials,

how well you understood the knowledge

how flexibly you react to new problems.


Exam preparation for oral presentation

Presentations - you've guessed it for a long time - measure not only the selection and correctness of knowledge but also its structure, facial expressions and gestures, rhetorical skills, and the use of technology.

A communication psychologist from the USA has written a study that is often cited. The content of public presentations was only a seven percent decisive factor in assessing the speaker's competence. Seven percent! The rest was demeanor, confidence, and presentation! It is true that exams look at the content and try to be "objective."

Nevertheless: Structure, examples, and explicit language are the essence of a good presentation! Social-psychological studies show: The overall impression influences the assessment of the content. If someone presents in a jacket and maybe with glasses instead of a T-shirt, they are subconsciously perceived as more competent. His charisma and thus his credibility increase. This leads to a more positive evaluation of the content, even if it has remained entirely the same.

Language has a similar effect: is it squashed to the point of squeaky insecurity, or does the speaker speak confidently to the audience?

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Homework exam preparation

housework. A little further down, I once organized an evaluation sheet for written work, which only examiners get.

Look at the three evaluation criteria: It is striking that the third, least important criterion, "formality," is the most clearly defined. These points are the easiest to control - precisely because they have nothing to do with the content. Just by doing correct scientific work and consistent formatting, you already secure 20 percent!

The second criterion, "relation to the seminar," can also be fulfilled. Create a checklist in which you list the most influential theories of the seminar, which you then incorporate into your argument. Or write a "vocabulary list" with the ten essential new technical terms you sprinkle into your text. Allude directly to situations and discussions from the seminar. Will warm th

The first criterion relates to a case study or homework on a topic of your choice. Here, the content is only a means to an end. See how well you can argue and write (outline, structure, common thread).

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