If you want to write an argument correctly, you always have to follow the steps explained here:
1) At the beginning you always make the thesis (assertion)
2) Then you substantiate this with as many arguments as possible
3) At the end you write a summary in which you summarize the most important statements again fundamentally and
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How do I have to build reasoning and arguments?
You always have to build up your argumentation and especially the arguments like this:
An argument therefore always consists of three parts.

Example / explanation
Examples of the reasoning:
Thesis 1: I am of the opinion / claim that… watching too much TV makes children stupid
Argument 1:
1. Reason: Children who watch TV a lot can no longer concentrate as long
2. Evidence: as a study by the Ministry of Health has shown.
3rd example: Even my little brother cannot concentrate for long if he has watched a lot of TV
(or explanation): This makes sense, because watching long TV distracts the viewer a lot and there is no activity of your own because you are only passively "littered".
What types of arguments are there?
There are several types of arguments that you should know about:
Factual arguments: Facts are referred to, for example through personal experience or (scientific) statistics, and studies, for example from well-known newspapers.
Arguments of authority: Statements by well-known experts in the respective field, for example researchers or economists, are cited here. But be careful: it really should be an expert
Value arguments: These relate to recognized moral or social values and norms: for example, that it is wrong to bully someone or freedom of expression and other basic democratic values and
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Logical arguments: If you transfer a logical conclusion, for example: If a child gets something exemplified by his parents for his whole life, he will probably also show this behavior himself as an adult
Indirect argument: This simply invalidates an argument made by the "opposing" position: because it is illogical, does not necessarily apply or is contradictory
Quantity argument: an irrelevant and manipulative argument: it appeals to the feelings of the target group in order to convince them, for example by arousing sympathy or arousing fears in the audience
Three steps to a convincing argument
Thesis / assertion
The justification is always convincing if it presents the facts in detail and leaves no questions unanswered for the reader. Your argument will be more convincing with appropriate examples , because you can use them to clarify your statements.
Always make sure that you express yourself factually .
Good to know
A factual , pertinent language is more convincing than the everyday language.
Now an example for the structure of an argument:
1. Thesis / claim: It is advantageous for students if they could take a part-time job in the afternoon.
2. Reason: Because this is how you earn your own money and learn how to use it responsibly.
If you can't come up with a suitable example to solidify the reasoning in an argument, you can simply come up with one. You can start from yourself and give an example from your own perspective. As you do so, consider whether the example could apply to other people as well.
3rd example: I would like to earn money with a part-time job in order to save it for a larger investment such as a moped or a car driver's license.
Writing reasoning: instructions
Your argument should have the following structure :
Final part
1. Introduction of the argument
In the introduction you state the topic on which you would like to write an opinion. You should address the relevance and importance of the topic. The introduction serves the attention of the reader to wake up. In addition, in the introduction you make it clear what your opinion is on the topic.
2. Main part of the argument
In the main part, you will make at least two convincing arguments , which you will substantiate with examples. It is important that you think carefully about the order of your arguments . Sometimes it can be especially effective to start with the weakest argument to end with the most convincing argument.
3. Conclusion of the argument
At the end you consolidate your opinion again by formulating a conclusion . You can also make a claim in this part that results from your argumentation.
We would like to give you a little tip on the way: To make your text more reflective , it can make sense to start the main part with a counter-argument . So also mention that you can have a different opinion on the subject and
Write My Essay Today. Then you carry out your arguments and refute the counter-argument . Your opinion will be particularly convincing!
Now you can actually get started with your argument . If you first want to check that you have understood everything, try our tasks. Good luck with it!