The research protocol is the first document written by the author / researcher as part of the development of his thesis. This is an academic article containing all the information necessary for the realization of the project and
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The research protocol should be considered as a guide, a convention or a treaty by the author / researcher. By neglecting this important document, he will have more difficulties, more obstacles and more complications throughout his work. But how to write the research protocol for a dissertation?
In the field of academic research, knowledge of the structure plays an essential role in the writing of an article. This guide thus presents, in a structural way, the main parts of the research protocol of a dissertation.
1- The title
First element of the research protocol, the title evokes the subject treated in a short, concise and descriptive way. It is strongly recommended not to use a title that is too long or too complex at the risk of making it incomprehensible.
2- The introduction
The introduction is the contextual presentation of the future thesis. It is in this part that the author / researcher evokes the angle of departure, the birth of his project, as well as his main interests. On the pragmatic side, its role is rather to give readers the desire to continue reading.
A sub-section makes the introduction even more important: the problem. Usually asked in the form of a question, it is a series of unresolved problems, which the author / researcher proposes to solve ambitiously in his future work. Before defining your problem, it is always prudent to check the existing literary reviews well so as not to give solutions already proposed by other authors / researchers and
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3- The objectives of the project
Each memory must defend, supplement and support predefined statements. Presented in the form of hypotheses, they are generally based on the experience, observation and personal knowledge of the author / researcher.
It is on the basis of these assumptions that the objectives must be set. In order for the information to be sufficiently complete, the author / researcher should state:
the general objective: a fairly clear sentence describing the overall goal of the research
and specific objectives: more precise objectives, necessary to achieve the general objective
4- The research methodology
The methodology is the most essential part of the research protocol. In order to propose an interesting research methodology, the author / researcher must:
mention the budget necessary for the preparation of his thesis, knowing that any research work has a cost
describe the framework of his research: Where will it take place? How will it be done? What tools will he need? Etc.
clearly present the target population of his study: What population is it? Why is she chosen?
explain the data processing: how will the data be processed?
and indicate the discussions he plans to do
Since the dissertation is not yet completed, nor even in the beginning phase, the author / researcher must always use the future time in his writing.
5- The bibliography
The bibliography is the final part of the research protocol. Before finalizing the body of the text, the author / researcher must list the articles, reviews and books that he has used in its development.
The research protocol is the full description of the dissertation. Written in detail by the author / researcher, it describes precisely the rules of conduct to be observed for the smooth running of his work and
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The methodology presented is one of the most important notions of the research protocol. According to academic standards, it must be reproducible to allow other authors / researchers to use it in their turn. This will allow them to relive the experience and thus verify its effectiveness.