Problem (relevance of the project).
Within the framework of this section, a statement of the problem is carried out, and, accordingly, the relevance of your project is described. A problem is a specific description of an aspect of modern life (negative phenomenon) that does not satisfy you, indicating the significant factors that cause and support this phenomenon.
For example, you may not be satisfied with the catastrophic spread of drug addiction in your city among young people. This is a vivid example of describing a negative phenomenon associated with the lack of positive ideals and an attractive way of life among young people.
After describing the problem, the person (expert) who will read your project should understand that this project is needed and the problem needs to be resolved as soon as possible. The description of the problem should be objective, based on facts, and have links to verified sources. It would also be nice to indicate in the statement of the problem the forecast of the negative consequences of the development of the current situation.
Among other things, the problem can be of a denominational, causal, and antithetical nature.
Nominative character: a full description of the negative event is given.
Causal - effectual nature: the reasons (both objective and subjective) of the emerging negative phenomenon are identified and the consequences of this phenomenon are determined.
Antithetical nature : (comparison “yes, but”) - a link is indicated to some resources that can be used, but not used, specific facts and measures are taken that did not give any results are indicated.
Summing up the intermediate result, let's say that the whole project follows from a well-formulated problem.
We hope that you have already gradually begun to understand what constitutes the formation of a logical framework for a project. It is always difficult to start writing a project, but with the knowledge that you will glean in this article, you will be able to write more than a dozen of various projects.
Moving on, we have a goal next in line.
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The purpose of the project.
This is a specific description of a situation that satisfies you, which could resolve a specific situation that has developed.
There can be several goals in a project.
For example, Goal # 1: Reduce the number of young people who use drugs, Goal # 2: Increase the number of young people who choose healthy and law-abiding lifestyles.
Where to start a project?
The description of the goal should be as specific as possible (answering the questions where? In what area? Who? Or what and what new qualitative and quantitative characteristics the goal will acquire).
Example: an increase in the number of young people who have chosen a healthy lifestyle is the answer to the question "who?" - young people living in the city of N - this is the answer to the question "where?", To make young people healthy - these are the signs that we want to get as a result of the project.
Objectives of the project.
These are necessary and sufficient conditions for the implementation of the goal. Objectives are those results (quantitative and qualitative) that can be seen and measured in some way.
a) identify young people leading an interesting lifestyle and summarize their experience;
b) hold a youth festival;
c) organize a tourist camp and hold 15 sports competitions;
d) inform young people about interesting and healthy ways to spend their time.
Strategy and methods of the project.
The strategy is the main direction of the project implementation.
Methods are various kinds of activities that contribute to the solution of the assigned tasks and the achievement of the goal. They follow from the tasks set.
An example of a strategy would be the joint work of various institutions of society to get the maximum effect from the work done. Indeed, when some work is done by various organizations with a wide variety of resources, technologies, etc., then it is always easier to achieve a breakthrough result than if you work alone, without having all the necessary resources to implement the project. In general, the motto is appropriate here: "As long as we are united, we are invincible!"
How to write a social project?
Example of methods: because in the example with tasks we have designated the task of holding a youth festival, then based on this task, we can use the following methods.
But first, let's ask ourselves a question: what needs to be done to organize this festival? That's right, agree with the local authorities about the time and venue, gather a working group that will write the script for this festival, etc. In short, methods, as already mentioned in the definition, are subproblems, the solution of which provides a solution to the entire problem.
By the way, solving problems leads to the realization of the goal. And the implementation of the goal favorably affects the change in the current situation. Everything is logical. Everything is clean and clear!
Conclusion: To start your project correctly, you need to know where to start. A logical framework of the project is always created at the beginning, which is designed to structure the entire future project. This framework includes:
1) problem (project relevance)
2) project goals
3) project objectives
4) strategy and methods of the project.
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