The focus of scientific research is on gaining new knowledge , which means finding answers to open questions . At the beginning of every scientific work there are one or possibly several research questions. These specify the topic and make it researchable and
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Developing an appropriate research question is at the beginning of every work . This can be difficult and time-consuming, but only it enables you to search for relevant literature and narrow down your topic . If you have no or an inadequate question, the topic will flow apart and cannot be dealt with in a meaningful way.

Formulation of a hypothesis
A scientific hypothesis is understood to be a preliminary, i.e. unsecured, assumption that arises from observations and / or logical conclusions. A hypothesis [1] is obtained in the context of hypothesis formation and serves to explain and clarify certain questions and problems. Hypothesis formation is a creative act on the part of the researcher. It must prove itself in the scientific research process and be verifiable or falsifiable in it.
In addition to a clear problem or a clear question that guides the research, a scientific work always requires one or more hypotheses that are at the beginning of the project. Only then can research be systematically developed.
Overview research
An initial overview research is necessary in order to open up the subject area and to get an overview of suitable literature. It is usually expedient if you start your research in your own institute library and then consult other academic library catalogs and specialist journals on the Internet .
If you are confronted with areas that are still unknown to you at the beginning of your studies, it is best to start with an introductory overview and deepen your reading step by step.
a) Be critical of information on the Internet . Institutions like Wikipedia are not a reliable scientific source .
b) Even websites that are maintained by universities and other educational institutions are not always reliable, as the content offered is often student papers or discussion platforms.
c) Do not confuse libraries not with scientific n libraries . Although the stock of public libraries has been increasingly expanded in recent years to include specialist books, you will primarily find fiction and non- fiction books [1] that do not meet scientific criteria. A visit to a city library is usually not enough to write an academic term paper and
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It is particularly important to start as soon as possible to get an overview of the relevant specialist literature , as this can also reveal that a topic may not be able to be dealt with in a smaller treatise or within a tight timeframe because it there are either too few studies in this field or the literature is not available. Just at a seminar therefore often it affects negatively out to be the first research for a long time and notice only after a few weeks that it has entered a dead end.
How do you determine as quickly as possible whether or not literature is likely to be suitable for your purposes ?
a) Read the table of contents !
This gives you a first impression of the structure and content of a work.
b) Read the introduction and the conclusion !
In a good academic paper, the introduction and conclusion form a bracket around the entire text. Based on the introduction, you will learn specifics about the content and structure of the work, as well as the methodological approach of the researcher.
In most cases the end contains a short summary of the work and the main results .
c) Look at the bibliography and sources !
This enables you to see whether the author has used relevant, well-founded works, whether the literature used corresponds to the state of the time and whether the works used may have one-sided ideological tones.
Literature selection
After the exploratory survey research , you must have already formulated your research questions when specifically selecting scientific literature. This means that, based on your specific scientific key questions , you must also have questions for the literature : What are you looking for and what should a work answer for you?
Important : Avoid a collecting frenzy! Umberto Eco referred to this phenomenon in scientific work as the neo-capitalism of information. This means, on the one hand, that you tend to borrow a lot of books that are just lying around because you miscalculate the time required for reading and processing due to poor time management, or on the other hand, that you copy all of these books. in the false hope of reading them later.
Excessive copying only creates a pile of paper!
Make an effort to always edit books and articles immediately, take notes and excerpts [1] and only copy what you really need! (However, this can also be because you come to the conclusion that some things that you cannot take into account now will be needed for later work and that the book is very difficult to access.)
You create a solid basis for yourself through the skillful selection of literature , its careful processing and a sensible plan .
Time management
Time management is an important part of academic work and the writing of academic texts.
If homework fails or is not satisfactory in the course of the course, it is usually due to insufficient time planning and conceptual design.
You always notice this in texts that are only started shortly before the deadline. - They are weak in content and flawed.
As a matter of principle, create a specific schedule for all work ! Experience shows that it is difficult enough to adhere to it anyway. However, if you have not allocated a time schedule, this can have fatal consequences. It would not be the first time that students have never completed their studies because they simply failed to complete the thesis due to lack of time. But not because they weren't good enough, but because they constantly miscalculated in the work organization and then had to give it up at some point and
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Scheduling also includes organizing your research material and your documents accordingly . You should always have prepared everything in such a way that in the event of a longer break (because you are at work, get sick, etc.) you can get on straight to where you left off without major problems.
In order to be able to create a reasonable schedule, it is above all necessary to get a well-founded overview of the overall topic . The more precisely you go about this at the beginning of each work, the easier it will be later.