In the meantime I have blogged about all the important chapters of a seminar paper, bachelor thesis and master thesis: the foreword , the introduction , the state of research , the summary and the bibliography . Below is a compilation of the articles and
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A scientific paper consists of several parts: the main part, which is divided into different chapters, the introduction and the summary.
If you want, you can add a foreword to your work . In the case of a bachelor's or master's thesis, a foreword is around one page long, and it can be longer for a dissertation. The foreword has a page number (ideally it corresponds to page 1), but no chapter number of its own. "Chapter 1" is always the introduction.
What should be in the foreword?
The personal approach
In the foreword you can tell the readers how you came up with the topic of your thesis and what made you choose this topic: Did someone recommend the topic to you? Did you choose the topic yourself? Do you have a personal interest or specific experiences in the topic?
thanks to
The foreword is also the place where you can thank others. These can be, for example, subject matter experts with whom you have had discussions, or archivists, collection managers, etc. who have given you particular support and
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You do not need to thank the supervisor specifically. Many also find it inappropriate because it is their job to support you. I would also not thank family members in the foreword.
By the way, when you thank someone, it is most elegant to name the person by their first and last name. You can do without the additions "Ms." and "Mr." as well as the title. Example: I would particularly like to thank Sabine Müller (University of Vienna, Institute for ...) for important information on question XY.
What to think about before writing the foreword
Before you write the foreword, take a pencil and paper and answer the following questions for yourself:
What should someone outside of the technical area learn when he reads my work?
Why is it important to me that my readers know about certain personal aspects ?
Who do I want to thank ?
Although the foreword is right at the beginning of your work, it is best to write it - together with the introduction and summary - at the very end . You will then find it easier to formulate your thoughts and you will also be faster with writing. In addition, you only have an overview of who you want to thank at the end of the work process and
Writ Essay Today. You can of course make notes for the foreword at any time. In fact, it makes a lot of sense to take notes in between because you won't forget anything important. In addition, you don't have to remember thoughts that you have already put down on paper. Taking notes parallel to the work process relieves your head and allows you to concentrate on what is currently pending.