11 tips on how to pass tests

Proper exam preparation not only brings good grades. It also helps you reduce stress and anxiety before the exam. Whether in school, training, and further education or studies - exams are (often more annoying) part of learning. But they don't have to be: We give you essential tips for the perfect exam preparation, with which you learn to learn! Four success factors in exam preparation

What is the best way to prepare for an exam?

Learning is hard work. Working through presentation slides and scripts, memorizing formulas and technical terms, solving old exams - none of this has anything to do with fun. But it has to be and is simply part of thorough exam preparation. However, so that this does not happen at the last minute and ends in pressure refueling for the head, you should start studying and preparing for the exam early on. Various clever and effective learning strategies will support and motivate you as you cram.

Put an end to tormenting exam anxiety: With the following 11 tips for exam preparation, you not only reduce the learning stress but also increase the chances of success in the exam:

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Visualize goals

To stay motivated, make it clear from the start what you are studying so hard for. Visualize your learning goal. However, this does not mean the best possible exam grade. Instead, be clear about what will happen in the end: A good degree certificate improves your chances of applying and thus the prospects of a well-paid dream job. This, in turn, enables you to lead a more financially free life... You'll notice: The more concretely you visualize the goal, the greater the motivation to learn. How do I structure the parts of a research paper?

  1. Create a learning environment

It has been proven that the environment enormously influences learning success. A musty, dark corner of a messy desk? This only makes buffing more difficult. Optimal exam preparation includes ensuring you have a quiet, light-flooded place that is free of distractions. When in doubt, turn off your smartphone and music. Also, organize a comfortable seat: not so comfortable that you fall asleep on it, but comfortable enough to stay there for a few hours. Necessary: always sit upright - this improves the oxygen supply! What are the best tips for writing essays for the bar exam?

  1. Limit learning material

Take your time and first get an overview of the learning material. First, collect all the essential content, notes, scripts, exercises, and presentation slides from the lectures - and then narrow down the material: What is relevant to the exam? This is how you use your study time more efficiently.

  1. Create a learning plan

Even limited learning material seems like an insurmountable mountain to the examinees at first. The trick is to break the mountain down into small, digestible portions. Once you have portioned out the learning material, create a learning plan: determine when what and how much you will do each day. Many believe that this leaves even less free time, but the opposite is the case: Anyone who creates a learning plan (and sticks to it!) creates space for things that are more fun. In addition, you get the good feeling of having your exam preparation under control. What is reader reaction criticism?

  1. Structure the learning day

Create fixed rituals. For example: In the morning you study alone in the library. They focus on fresh content and summaries. You take a break at lunchtime and eat with friends in the canteen. In the afternoon, you repeat what you have learned either alone or with fellow students. Routines like this have an advantage: they are not motivated by motivation. Once they have become second nature to you, you will automatically learn in a more structured and regular manner.

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  1. Summarize the content

Summarizing what you have learned in your own words (in writing) has proven itself 100 times over. You not only repeat the learning content, but you also have to structure, combine and compress it mentally. This will help you get better and better at it. However, the summaries do not have to be in text form only. You can also use mind maps, sketch notes, or flow charts. To remember learning content better, you should include several sensory impressions. For example, record your summaries as an audio file and listen to them repeatedly when driving to university or on the go.

  1. Install success controls

Reading is not the same as learning. By noting what you have learned on index cards, for example, you can use it to question yourself repeatedly and thus check the learning success or recognize where there are still gaps. The method also gives you more security later in the exam and creates a slight sense of achievement. Writing An Essay -All About Topic

  1. Find supporters

The exchange within a learning group can also reveal the respective learning success. Everyone benefits from the regular meetings (tips, advantages, and study group selection can be found. For example, you can explain the material to each other and provide support during slack periods. Or you can simulate exam situations with distributed roles as examiner and examinee. The exchange in the study group alone reduces exam stress. And anyone who notices how well they can explain something to others recognizes their progress simultaneously. 

  1. Take breaks

Your brain is not infinitely receptive. On average, a 15-minute break is needed after 90 minutes. After a maximum of three sessions, you should take a break for at least an hour. Otherwise, you will find it harder and harder to concentrate, learn less and retain less. As paradoxical as it sounds, regular breaks are an effective way of preparing for exams. Please do something completely different during this time. Afterward, your brain is fit again and receptive to the exam material. 7 tips for effective thesis writing

  1. Ensure sleep

Just like breaks, regular sleep is also part of optimal exam preparation. Sleep strengthens our memory because we sort the information we take in a new way. We sort out the extra, freshly learned is imprinted in the long-term memory. Good sleep hygiene also helps keep you rested and refreshed. And thus learn better and absorb new information.

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  1. Find rewards

The exam phase is full of deprivation. All your energy and time go into learning. Friends and hobbies are usually neglected during exam preparation. And that eats away at the fun, the mood, and the nerves. Work against the effect by creating a sense of achievement in between and rewarding yourself for it. Visually tick off what you have learned on a list, which gives you the feeling that you are getting closer to your goal step by step. Treat yourself to something good after a hard study day - a night out with friends, an episode of your favorite series, or an hour of sport. Such rewards provide you with a real motivational kick. Learning techniques for exam preparation

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