A review (Latin recensio for sample, qualitative test ; derived from recensere for enumerate, compile) is generally understood to be a form of criticism that deals with a specific, frequently newly published object from a delimited subject area. In an introductory way as well as in the form of an evaluation and
write me a essay. Such a discussion (also called a review in English) can be published not only in writing, but also orally, i.e. on radio and television.

As a literary genre, the review represents a sub-form of criticism or secondary literature. It is to be distinguished from the mere summary - which only reflects the content of works.The same applies to the so-called scientific report (also: peer review), which examines whether a work should be published at all.
As a literary genre, the review represents a sub-form of criticism or secondary literature. It is to be distinguished from the mere summary - which only reflects the content of works. The same applies to the so-called scientific report (also: peer review), which examines whether a work should be published at all.
The three components of the review are:
The summary
The positioning of the work in the scientific discourse
The judgment of the reviewer
Forms of Review
The reviews can reflect the content factually and accurately, as well as be lively, vivid, funny and inspiring, or if you don't like the work, do the opposite. There are many different types of reviews:
criticism Literary criticism is the most popular form of reviewing. Books of all kinds are reviewed by well-known journalists, bloggers on YouTube or simply readers on special websites and online platforms. Not only are new publications discussed above all, but old works can also be reviewed again and again.
Criticism of cultural products
A frequent subject of reviews is also the criticism of other cultural creations. Especially about movies, Art, music and theater. The criticism should be transparent, well-founded and understandable. With such reviews, you don't have to do without emotions and polemics.
Scientific Reviews
Scientific papers can also be reviewed. They are mostly written for trade journals and look at the work very critically, which also draws attention to possible errors. The review may also cite other interesting sources on the subject. This makes the review a practically independent piece of research.
Structure of a review
A review is always divided into an introduction, a main part and a conclusion.
In the introduction you give a rough idea of the direction in which your review will go. This also helps you not to lose the thread and
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The information in the introduction :
Title, subject, author, year
The main characters in the act
Central elements and conflicts
The target group of the work
The author's intention
Main part
In the main part of the review, you can answer the most important questions in detail and give reasons for your opinion.
The information in the main part :
Is the overall story clear and understandable?
Is the content appropriate in the given time?
Is there anything in the content that is inconsistent or untrustworthy?
Are the characters' actions clear?
Does the content appeal to the target audience?
What stylistic means does the author use?
Does it work or not (why)?
How is the linguistic design in relation to the target group?
Are the content and language well coordinated? Why? Why not?
In conclusion you summarizes best, your thoughts together as a clear buying or reading recommendation.
The information in the end :
The most important key points briefly and concisely
Special features
Your overall impression in 5 sentences
Brief conclusion
Writing a book review - tips
A scientific review doesn't have to be dry and boring. Nonetheless, the reviewer should use an academic style of writing when writing the assessment - flowery, pictorial expressions should be avoided.
The general style, length and focus of the review are based on the place of publication of the original work (books vs. specialist journals, etc.).
The last part of the review is the critical assessment. This should be fair and based on scientific criteria.
The length of a book review is usually two to four A4 pages.
Footnotes and references can be dispensed with in the review.
Additional tip : There should be a memorable sentence at the end of the meeting.
Writing a book review - checklist
✔️ Select the book to be reviewed
✔️ Make notes while reading
✔️ Read reviews from fellow students, etc.
✔️ A review consists of an introduction, a main part and a conclusion
✔️ Make sure you write in an academic style
✔️ Before submitting the review, the review is proofread
Note : A book review is not on the daily schedule of students, which is why most of them are not particularly well versed in the subject. Due to the lack of practice, quite a few tend to use the services of a ghostwriter , at least if the review is graded by the lecturer. This is not to be expected! The fact that the review was written with the help of ghostwriting is noticeable at the latest when the professor asks more in-depth questions about the review.
Write a specialist book review
After the student has decided on a textbook, it is important to read the entire text. The review begins with the reading process. Means: Thoughts and opinions, such as critical and commendable aspects, should be noted. This also applies to theses and premises as well as questions and the structure of the text. Notes on the academic classification of the book can also be recorded and
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Tip : Before starting the actual writing process, it's a good idea to read some academic reviews . This gives you an impression of and a feeling for the language, the typical formulations, examples and other “details” of the special form of text.
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