Exam Preparation: The Best Methods & Tips

What do owls and larks have to do with effective learning? A whole lot! We explain what and give practical tips & instructions for the perfect exam preparation.

The most important thing about exam preparation at a glance

  • Successful exam preparation works best with a good strategy.
  • Your workplace, study plan, and learning techniques are also important.
  • A study group can support and motivate you enormously in this phase.

Planning for successful exam preparation

Preparing for the exam also requires preparation. Sounds funny, but that's how it is! A good plan in advance will save you from a weak division of tasks later and, thus, a lot of stress. With a few basics, preparing for the upcoming exams is only half as wild and accessible: Why Project Plans Fail And How To Avoid It

The right environment for exam preparation

A dark corner in a cluttered room or even the kitchen table in the flatshare: If you choose such places to study while preparing for the exam, you are only making it unnecessarily difficult for yourself. An ideal workspace should be well-lit, free from distractions (desk tidy!), and comfortable. Also, do not underestimate the effect of a good desk chair, which is best ergonomically shaped and adjustable with a movable backrest. After all, you will spend a lot of time in this chair in preparation for your exams.

Define and visualize goals

Admittedly, it sounds a bit like a career coach when we guess that only those who set concrete goals can achieve or exceed them. What works in professional life is also useful when preparing for exams. It would help if you had a concrete learning goal to motivate and structure your efforts. The goal can, e.g., B. be a particular grade or pass. Then you must define how much material you have to work through and in what period this is possible without time pressure.

Reward success in exam preparation

Your learning plan is ideally divided into stages in terms of time and content. In addition to the manageability of the exam preparation, this has another decisive advantage: you can reward yourself as soon as you have achieved a partial goal. Celebrating successes should also be an integral part of your planning so that you stay motivated and focused. A field trip or an afternoon serial marathon – anything that makes you happy is OK, as long as it doesn't sabotage your ability to study (so leave those long pub and party sprees after the exams).

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Find support in the study group.

Even those who learn faster on their own can benefit from regular meetings in a study group. If you team up with fellow students studying for the same exams, you won't feel lonely during the exam preparation, which is one of the biggest motivation killers. There is always something that others can explain in more detail, or you can remember content better if you have also explained it to others. In addition, everyone has more productive phases and slacks when learning. Simply talking about it with others in the same situation reduces stress. Tips for success: more success at work

Know and use the power curve

You can only influence a little whether you are a lark or an owl. So if you wake up early on your own and are then particularly receptive in the morning, this is no more a problem than if you sleep late and still concentrate well in the evening. That's why you must know your biorhythm and plan your learning phases accordingly while preparing for the exam. Many people experience a slump around lunchtime, so it's usually good to take a break here. However, the owls should not study longer than 11 p.m. to avoid disturbing their sleep. In our graphic, you can see again where the performance highs and lows of owls and larks are.

Structure days of exam preparation

In addition to the daily performance curve, how long you can concentrate varies from person to person – but hardly anyone can do more than 90 minutes continuously. If you notice that you are no longer so receptive, then a break of 10 to 15 minutes is the order of the day! So that you don't overdo it on one day, you should divide each learning day into blocks with sufficient time buffers and time windows for regular leisure activities. Even while preparing for the exam, you should not completely stop your daily and weekly rituals such as regular meals, sports, or meeting friends. Your brain needs to be able to switch off sometimes. Tips for success: 14 unwritten rules for more success in the job

Exam preparation with tutoring

Tutoring could also be helpful for you depending on your learner type and how complex the subject is for you. Because then you will learn with someone who already masters the area perfectly. He can clarify any difficulties and questions directly with you. This also has the advantage that you are forced to prepare for the exam early on. So you can't be distracted by your cell phone. Your tutor will examine you and specifically go through the parts with you that are not quite right yet. HOW YOU CAN WRITE BETTER WITH VISION BOARDS

We recommend the portal ErsteNachhilfe.de. There are thousands of tutors in your area and online. Signing up takes a few seconds and is completely free. With just a few clicks, you can see which tutors are available in your area and online for your field and how high their rate is per hour.

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